12 Ways 2015 Movies Definitely Made You Dumber

11. You Got Duped Into Paying To See A Softcore Porno

Going by that immense $570.5 million worldwide box office, there's a good chance you or your significant other shelled out to see this wretched adaptation of E.L. James' infamous erotic novel, and considering it was largely just a better-shot version of any softcore porno you could find streaming online or on late night TV, it was pretty much your ticket money wasted. Nudity was tasteful and surprisingly minimal, but of course, the steamy marketing brought the crowds in hoping for the smuttiest movie experience in years, and even ignoring its sexy context, it's a testament to the power of hype, as well as the fact that sex really does sell, of course. It may have been the world's best-shot, most expensive softcore porn film, but it's still softcore and not a patch on what you can see without shelling out for a ticket or two.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.