13 Accomplices Who Could Work With Ultron In The Avengers: Age Of Ultron

1. War Machine/Iron Patriot

Iron-Man-3-Patriot-600x300 What better way to get to Tony Stark than by taking control of his best friend's armour while he's trapped inside? If Tony Stark, as expected, is the creator of Ultron in the Avengers sequel, then Ultron will have a connection to all of Stark's technology and should have the ability to control it - particularly if he upgrades himself as he does so often in the comics. Controlling the War Machine/Iron Patriot armour (depending on how it is being branded come the time of this movie) with Lieutenant Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes helpless inside it will be a sure-fire way to crush Stark's spirit and will also make the Avengers hesitant to fight back, given that taking the armour down will mean killing Rhodey - a terrible conundrum for them indeed. Could Rhodey really become Ultron's unwitting and unwilling accomplice? It's a distinct possibility! So there you have it; thirteen possible accomplices for Ultron to work alongside in The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Do you agree that these are possible accomplices for the robot? Who else could he have on his team? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.