13 Actors Almost Killed While Making Movies

10. Martin Sheen - Apocalypse Now

Martin Sheen Apocalypse Now
United Artists

Francis Ford Coppola's war movie masterpiece is infamous for its hellish production, which not only saw director Coppola have a nervous breakdown and consider killing himself three times, but put star Martin Sheen through the emotional and physical wringer.

Near the end of the infamously long and arduous shoot in the Philippines, Sheen also suffered a nervous breakdown and, eventually, had a near-fatal heart attack. The actor was then forced to drag himself a quarter of a mile to seek help.

It's generally accepted that 36-year-old Sheen's cardiac emergency was brought on by his heavy alcohol and drug abuse on the movie's set. In Coppola's own words, "we had access to too much money and little by little we went insane."

Coppola and Sheen were so worried about production being shut down that they officially logged Sheen's event as "heat exhaustion" with the studio, and hilariously, when Sheen returned to set, there were concerns he looked too spry and healthy to play the world-worn Captain Willard.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.