13 Actors You Didn't Know Almost Played The Joker

5. John Glover

John Glover has had a heavy involvement with the comic book scene over the years: he not only played Dr. Jason Woodrue in the diabolical Batman and Robin, but he also voiced The Riddler in Batman: The Animated Series, and perhaps most famously played Lex Luthor's father, Lionel, in the popular TV series Smallville. In his younger days, however, Glover was one of the front-runners to play The Joker in Tim Burton's Batman... Would It Have Worked?: Prior to 1989's Batman, Glover may have been known largely as an acclaimed character actor (having been nominated for two Primetime Emmys), but he proved in 1986's 52 Pick-Up in particular that he could be a savage, sadistic and intensely disturbing villain, as were pre-requisites for taking the part of The Joker. He may not have had the firm star power of many of the actors on this list, but he's always been overflowing with the necessary talent, and who could resist that silky smooth voice?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.