13 Awesome 2015 Movies That Deserve Best Picture (But Won't Get Nominated)

1. Sicario

Rotten Tomatoes Score: 93% (8.1/10) Why It Deserves Best Picture: Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners, Enemy) delivers another straight-up masterwork with this riveting border-hopping thriller which sure isn't for the weak of heart or stomach, but patient, hardy audiences will find plenty to admire. Emily Blunt effortlessly leads a first-rate cast in this brutal action drama, though one could argue the true MVP here is Benicio del Toro, who appears and disappears from the movie like a phantom, leaving a trail of dead wherever he goes in disturbing yet entrancing fashion. Roger Deakins is sure to earn his 13th (!) cinematography nod here for one of the year's most visually entrancing films, but it's also backed by stunning character work and a can't-look-away narrative. Why It Won't Get Nominated: For starters, it might be too grim for the Oscars, as is frequently an issue, or they might find the material too familiar to be worth the nod. Much like The Martian, don't be surprised if this one sits on the periphery and just barely misses out. Hey, maybe it'll get a few Golden Globes instead... Which inevitably-snubbed 2015 movies do you feel most deserve Best Picture? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.