13 Awesome Moments From The Super Bowl 50 Trailers

10. Deadpool Trolls The "Superb Owl"

The Moment: In-between clips of the Deadpool movie (in a teaser that's labelled as for the "Superb Owl"), the superhero speaks directly to the audience, telling them, "I always wanted to be a professional athlete...because I wanted to have children in cities all over the world." Why It's Awesome: It's a hilarious mockery of Super Bowl culture and the stereotypically promiscuous nature of NFL players, cementing the film's daring tone without needing to show a single R-rated moment. Plus, the benefit of Deadpool wearing a mask is that this clip was probably recorded months ago, and they just had Ryan Reynolds dub a few funny one-liners, and the best one was likely chosen afterwards. Above all else, it just reminds everyone how ridiculously brilliant the marketing campaign has been for this movie, and hopefully the box office figures will end up reflecting it.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.