13 Best Horror Movie Masks

8. Night Owl - Stage Fright

Scream Mask
Artists Entertainment Group

Ridiculously realistic animal masks are some of the most disturbing of them all, combining human and creature into something that isn't quite fully either. The Night Owl from Stage Fright is the perfect example of this, the mask being an oversized barn owl head detailed with feathers that looks positively gross when attached to a normal body. Nobody wants to feel like the prey of a giant f*cking monster bird, but that's exactly what Michele Soavi's creepy owl does.

Stage Fright is almost a play within a film, with a troupe of actors practising a play that turns out to be their reality when an escaped murderer chooses them as his next targets. Strangely enough, their antagonist is an anonymous mass murderer named the Night Owl who then gets rewritten to be Irving Wallace, a known actor turned serial killer that was recently locked away. Guess who it is that escapes and turns up to get his killing back on? The one and only Irving Wallace. Tempting fate never goes well.

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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.