13 Castings For New Movies That Prove Hollywood Has Gone Insane

1. Zac Efron As Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy
Wikimedia Commons

Film: Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

The world has already recently seen one Disney child star cast as a psychopathic mass murderer in Ross Lynch's casting as Jeffrey Dahmer, and now there's an even more surprising hire in the shape of Zac Efron's upcoming role as Ted Bundy.

That's Zac Efron, who has played teen heart-throbs, early 20s heart-throbs and a collection of charming comedy leads and supporting douche-bags. He's flirted with dark roles only briefly (in The Paperboy), but even then he was the most morally pure of the entire cast. In other words, he's done nothing to suggest he could play a killer, and his Disney baggage is a pretty big obstacle to get over.

Sure, Bundy was a truly unique figure in serial killer circles, given his reported charisma and his popularity with friends, but casting a Mouse House graduate is beyond bold. Particularly as Efron's straight acting chops are far from assured enough to guarantee success here.

Will It Work?

It might just be insane enough to work, and it definitely feels like an uncharacteristic move by an actor trying to cast off his past (see also: everything Daniel Radcliffe has done since Harry Potter). It's still a difficult one to take, though.

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