13 Cringe-Worthy Movie Moments That Completely Ruined Great Songs

5. S.O.S. (ABBA) - Mamma Mia

Love 'em or hate 'em, ABBA is one of the biggest, most successful bands the world has ever seen, leading to a stage show in the band's name called Mamma Mia, and the inevitable movie adaptation starring Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried and Pierce Brosnan. Yes, Pierce Brosnan: James Bond, remember? Well, his and Streep's rendition of ABBA's smash hit S.O.S. is easily the movie's low-point, a masterwork of unintentional hilarity, as Streep tries pretty hard, and Brosnan gives possibly the shoddiest vocal performance by a major star in motion picture history. One critic referred to his ropey singing voice as " physically pained choking out the lyrics, as if he's being subjected to a prostate exam just outside of the camera's eye." It's truly impressive that auto-tuning and various computer tricks weren't able to fix his terrible effort, or that executives heard his performance and didn't immediately re-dub it with a sound-a-like. Brosnan especially appears to struggle with the "When you're gone..." line, straining his throat and making the whole thing sound even more hilariously awkward. Duly, Brosnan won a Worst Supporting Actor award at the Razzies, but that doesn't stop his dying animal voice from permeating the song every time we hear it forever more.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.