13 Disappointing Recent Films That Should've Been Great

6. The Raid 2

Harley Quinn Suicide Squad
Sony Pictures Classics

What Was Expected

A mind-blowing martial-arts action spectacular, with more plot and characterization this time.

What We Actually Got

This is an anomaly. On first viewing, this seemed like a big success in every way, but on the second and third viewings, it all falls apart. The action scenes are pure heaven and show you don't need a massive budget to provide the exhilaration and adrenaline rushes. There's no denying that - it's just what surrounds them that's the problem.

The film works its way through an endless stream of exposition-filled and tedious dramatic sequences. It's trying its best to be like The Godfather, but with underdeveloped characters, an ugly tone and far too much content for a film of this type, it just isn't as deep as it thinks it is.

It's a stunningly violent film and Gareth Edwards remains a fantastic action director, but there was no need to try and add so much drama. All audiences needed was more amazing action with some bits of story here and there.

Here's the recommended viewing: skip the plot scenes and just watch all the action sequences. You'll have a great time there, and there's probably 30-45 minutes of material there too. But viewed with the misjudged story, even the action scenes start to become a bit dull. It's sad how poorly this has endured multiple viewings, considering the first film only gets better every time.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.