13 Disturbing Disney Moments That Ruined Your Childhood

10. The Creation Of The Hag - Snow White

Ursula The Little Mermaid

One of the earliest entires into Walt Disney's animated collection, Snow White has more than one scene that etched itself into our memories for their dark content. Snow White herself running through the forest, and the huntsman's raised knife to kill her come to mind, but it's the Evil Queen's transformation into the Hag that takes the biscuit.

After conversing with her magic mirror to discover Snow White isn't dead, the queen takes it upon herself to do the dirty work. She soon constructs a potion that will disguise her using some classic spooky ingredients, but when she drinks it and begins to change, real fright soon hits home. Sucked into a vortex of transformation her once neat hair unravels into a crazed white tangle, and her once beautiful hands warp into gnarled, monstrous digits.

It's a great example of our fear of ageing, and creates something deeply unsettling in the transformative process.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.