13 Frustratingly Underrated Horror Movie Sequels

12. ABCs Of Death 2

Final Destination 3
Magnet Releasing

Original Film:

The ABCs of Death, a wildly uneven collection of 26 short horror films. Each is named after a different letter of the alphabet, each is by a different cast and crew and each involves some sort of (usually extremely gruesome) death.


This sequel has the same concept as the original and offers another 26 short films. The film is overall a horror movie, but some of the short films dabble in different genres such as comedy and thriller. Some are animated.

The original film is alright, but it is the literal definition of hit-or-miss. This sequel was rightly acknowledged as better, but it still remains little-seen and deserves more attention.

As a collection of 26 different short films by different creative teams, it's a fascinating viewing experience. It does have some awful shorts, such as E is for Equilibrium, G is for Grandad, L is for Legacy and particularly P is for P-P-P-P SCARY!, but this unevenness only makes the viewing experience even more interesting.

Aside from those missteps, there are many great shorts. D is for Deloused, R is for Roulette, Y is for Youth, Z is for Zygote and, best of all, S is for Split are all genuinely brilliant short films.

This is a very unique and interesting viewing experience that is definitely worth seeking out. If you don't, you'll be missing out on some fantastic short films.

A virtually unseen sequel, ABCs of Death 2.5, followed in 2017.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.