13 Great Actors Completely Wasted In MCU Movies

6. Christopher Eccleston - Thor: The Dark World

Wasted MCU
Marvel Studios

The Role: Malekith

There are lots of problems with Thor: The Dark World that can probably be pegged on the fact that the studio meddled in the edit (at least according to the director). The tone is wrong, the character development isn't really there (for anyone other than Loki anyway) and it's fatally boring.

But even with a director with more freedom, you have to wonder whether Dark Elf Malekith was ever the right choice as the main villain. Or at least the way he was written in the final script. In the comics, he's a more ostentatious figure, which might have worked a little better, but the reality of the sequel is that Christopher Eccleston is essentially lumbered with a Doctor Who monster of the week baddy who was incredibly dull.

Eccleston is a great actor and he could have had a lot of fun with this role, but he's hidden under too much make-up to allow any subtlety or nuance in his performance and none of it works. It's no wonder he likened the role to being forced to act with a gun in his mouth and says he only did it for the money.

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