13 Harry Potter Plot-Holes (That Were Totally Solved)

6. Hermione Forgets Memory Charms

Harry Potter Hermione Parents
Warner Bros.

The "Plot-Hole"

After the leading trio escape to London from the wedding, they're faced with two Death Eaters who they defeat together before Hermione wipes their memories to help them escape again. At that point, she says she's never done a memory charm, despite the fact that mere pages before it, she wiped herself from her parents' memories so they are safe should any Death Eaters discover who she is and go after them.

The Solution

In fact, as JK Rowling confirmed, Hermione doesn't wipe her parents' memories (which is why she's able to restore them to normal later):

"They are two different charms. She has not wiped her parents' memories (as she later does to Dolohov and Rowle); she has bewitched them to make them believe that they are different people."
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