13 Harsh Truths We Don't Want To Admit About Comic Book Movies

5. Most Of Them Come Off A Conveyer Belt

Marvel Cinematic Universe Comic book movies are a business like any other blockbuster property, but more so than most, they are geared towards the long-term plan, of keeping sequels and spin-offs churning out until the end of time. This is particularly evident in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where a wide, sprawling plan has been intricately mapped out, and apparently has movies plotted for around another 15 years. Though, to be fair to them, the MCU has for the most part been a rousing success, our inner cynic can't help but suggest that, eventually, this is going to result in a slew of creatively bankrupt, arbitrary sequels. When Chris Evans and Iron Man give up playing Captain America and Iron Man, a prospect that probably isn't years and years away, the parts will be recast, but the properties will live on, hopeful that we as audiences will accept the replacements with open arms. Whether that will happen of course remains to be seen, but this need for Marvel to build a relentless, unstoppable commercial juggernaut may end up stinging them in the long run. That said, they also have to strike while the iron is hot, so one can understand why they're so keen to keep pumping these movies out right now. Hopefully they'll have the foresight to realise when the law of diminishing returns kicks in and call it a day.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.