13 Harsh Truths We Don't Want To Admit About Comic Book Movies

8. 3D Sucks

Captain America 3dMarvel Studios3D is the fad that just won't die. It's clung around for over 5 years now, and despite numerous claims that the gimmick's popularity is waning, it's still proving to be a financially viable avenue for studios to rinse audiences of even more money, as though cinema tickets aren't already expensive enough. Can 3D work? Of course: James Cameron's Avatar and How to Train Your Dragon are the go-to arguments for 3D that augments the audience's experience, whereas in the case of comic book movies, it's typically tacked on with little regard for the nature of the movie itself. It's commonly known that 3D glasses cause the picture to become significantly dimmed, and as such it's important that steps are made to brighten the picture for these screenings, though in the cases of the latest X-Men and Captain America movies, the often-dark nature of their imagery simply resulted in a muddy, washed-out look that didn't exactly boast stellar 3D to compensate for it either. The majority of major comic book movies are now displayed in 3D, though this is often the result of murky post-conversion, which never provides the dimensional clarity that native 3D filming will. More to the point, cinema chains are pushed to promote 3D ahead of 2D screenings, and as such, it can be hard to find a cinema playing a "normal" version of the movie. We can hope that the 3D bubble will burst eventually, but for now, we're just going to have to put up with this tripe being shoved down our throats.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.