13 Horrific Horror Movie Moments That Come Out Of Nowhere

5. The Invisible Man - The Restaurant

Summer of 84

When it comes to shocking horror movie death scenes that are so sudden they leave viewers picking their jaws off the floor, the abrupt murder of Emily Kass (Harriet Dyer) in Leigh Whannel's The Invisible Man deserves to be ranked among the all-time best. Comparisons to Russell Franklin (Samuel L Jackson) in Deep Blue Sea and Terry Chaney (Amanda Detmer) in Final Destination would be entirely justified here.

Writer-director Leigh Whannel did an incredible job of lulling audience into a false sense of security by making this meeting between protagonist Cecelia (Elizabeth Moss) and her sister Emily feel so normal and by refusing to give away any hint that the film's main villain, who has invented an invisibility suit that allows him to torment Cecilia, is in the room with them.

Whannel only gives viewers a couple of seconds to brace for what's about to happen - a brief shot of a knife hovering in the air - before Emily has her throat slashed and the knife is placed in Cecilia's hand, framing her for the murder of her own sister.

The Invisible Man is a truly great movie and possibly the finest horror film of the 2020s so far but as strong as the film as a whole is, it's this particular scene that has really lingered with viewers and it's not hard to see why.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.