13 Horror Remakes That Nobody Really Wanted

12. Embrace Of The Vampire (2013)

You could almost hear the groans of disbelief echo through the internet when it was announced that Embrace of the Vampire was getting remade. The 1994 straight-to-video supernatural erotica, remembered almost exclusively for star Alyssa Milano's abundant nude scenes, isn't exactly held up today as a cult classic. For it get brushed off and remade for contemporary audiences, then, seemed to indicate that they were running out of films to remake. Given it's a title few people care a great deal about, it's little surprise that the Embrace of the Vampire remake made almost no impact when it went direct to DVD and Blu-ray in 2013. Where the original had Milano's existing celebrity to boost audience interest, casting the unknown Sharon Hinnendael in her place as Catholic virgin Charlotte did little to grab the public's attention. In any case, with its contemporary college setting, surrealistic overtones and too-serious-for-its-own-good tone, the Embrace of the Vampire remake feels more like a low-budget rip-off of Black Swan, set in the world of competitive fencing rather than ballet.
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Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.