13 Marvel Villains Still Alive In The MCU (Who Could Return)

11. Dormammu

Dormammu Doctor Strange
Marvel Studios

You don't get much more impressive than a primordial, inter-dimensional being with apocalyptic levels of power, which is how Dormammu tends to be described. And while his plans for universal dominion are thwarted by Doctor Strange's time-loop trap, he still manages to display the awesome, terrifying power of the Dark Dimension in his brief appearance.

Sure, he's forced to make a deal to banish himself and his zealots from Earth forever, but he's still very much out there.

Where Is He?

Frustrated by Strange, Dormammu puts himself in self-imposed banishment away from Earth and presumably lies in wait for an opportunity in the Dark Dimension.

Threat Level

Literally the biggest threat to the entire universe right now, particularly if he found out that Doctor Strange wasn't around to defend the Earth. He's the actual personification of everything any living being should fear and any hint of him taking over would be disastrous.

Fundamentally, he makes Thanos look like a milkmaid.


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