13 Most Anticipated Upcoming Original Movie Characters

2. Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock) - Ocean's Eight

Ocean's Eight
Warner Bros

The Role: Debbie Ocean, the estranged sister of Danny Ocean (George Clooney), who has her own plan to carry out a huge heist at the annual Met Gala in New York City.

Why You Should Be Excited: Of all the franchises to give a "gender-swapped reboot", Ocean's actually makes a lot of sense, as it doesn't have a fanbase who became emotionally attached to the originals during childhood (as with Ghostbusters), and honestly, the core formula is conventional enough that it doesn't feel especially cynical.

To that end, Ocean's Eight has a killer cast going for it, and with Sandra Bullock having kept relatively quiet over the last few years since Gravity came out, this'll be her welcome back party of sorts.

She's great at playing sassy, domineering characters, so she'll absolutely nail this part to the wall, and let's be honest, we're all hoping she at least gets to share a scene with George Clooney, even though he claims he's not in it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.