Yes, yes, 2015 is already living up to expectations that it's going to be the biggest year for cinema ever, but that doesn't mean everything is going to be as awesome as, say, Mad Max: Fury Road. Like any year, there are those films, of all genres and styles, which just didn't live up to their considerable potential, be they ambitious concepts that failed to come together, new movies from beloved directors in search of a rebound, or massively-hyped tentpoles that nevertheless fell short of the immense expectations. It's crucial to remember that a disappointing movie isn't necessarily a bad one, but that each of these movies simply didn't push as hard as they should have. The result? An overwhelming feeling of "is that it?", the cinematic equivalent of a shoulder shrug for the most part rather than outright disgust or outrage. A good deal of these films are destined to be quickly forgotten, some already have sequels on the way due to their success, and some will simply be remembered as "that kinda good film that should've been better". All, however, had greater potential pre-release than they ever managed to secure in the end product. Here are the 13 most disappointing movies of 2015 (so far)...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.