What It Should've Been: An adaptation of a William Goldman novel (which was previously made into the 1986 Burt Reynolds-starring thriller Heat) adapted by Goldman himself, starring Jason Statham? This sounds like a fantastic way for The Stath to expand his filmography with something a little more ambitious, even "classy". A solid supporting cast, including Stanley Tucci, should help. What It Was: A not-bad but simply underwhelming action thriller which could've made far more intriguing use of Statham but ultimately resorts to the same tried-and-tested formula his fans will be used to. Goldman piles on the cliches of the Las Vegas lifestyle and crime thriller tropes to the point that it's hard to get much excited, except of course when Statham occasionally beats the snot out of those baying for his blood. With so much prestige talent, though, it should've been grittier and boasted more personality. Still, it probably didn't deserve to bomb quite as colossally as it did, though (making just $1.6 million of its $30 million budget back).
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.