13 Most Ridiculous DCEU Controversies (So Far)

4. Matt Reeves Calls The Batman "Standalone"

Matt Reeves
ILN/DYD/Starmax/PA Images

Matt Reeves, director of the upcoming The Batman, landed himself in hot water lately when he mentioned that the film would be "standalone" and that Warner Bros. pitched the movie to him as "[not] part of the extended universe."

Because comic book nerds read way too much into everything, Reeves' comments caused a s***storm online, with fans wondering what this meant for the future of the DCEU.

Reeves was consequently forced to clarify his comments, stating, "Just to be clear: Of COURSE Batman will be part of the D.C. Universe...I was talking about The Batman being a story specifically about Batman not about the others in the Universe. That it wouldn’t be filled with cameos servicing other stories."

Of course, this was obvious to most people with the slightest emotional distance from the movie, but it didn't stop many fans getting their underwear in a twist.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.