13 Movie Endings That Totally Trolled Audiences

3. Um...What!? - Planet Of The Apes (2001)

The Ending: Leo (Mark Wahlberg) uses a spacepod to travel through the electromagnetic storm back to his own time, where he crash-lands in front of Washington's Lincoln Memorial. However, the Abraham Lincoln statue has been replaced with that of ape General Thade (Tim Roth), and as cops, firefighters and so on arrive on the scene, we can see that they're all apes as well. How It Trolled Audiences: To be fair to Tim Burton, just replicating the twist ending of the 1968 film (in which they were on Earth all along) would have been completely pointless, but did he have to come up with an ending so clearly intended to infuriate and confuse people? Drawing more heavily from the source novel than the original film, the ending nevertheless does little to explain itself. Is it a parallel dimension or what? Burton himself said that the ending wasn't really intended to make sense but merely to set up a sequel, so that shows you the sort of non-thought that was put into it. At least we weren't trolled further by being forced to sit through an actual sequel to this tosh, pointless remake.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.