13 Movie Moments That Surprised The Hell Out Of The Audience

11. It's The Little Things That Matter - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, Part I

After Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) gets into his Horcrux-fueled snit and storms off into the night, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and Hermione (Emma Watson) are left alone; the former is upset at the lost of his best mate, but Hermione is truly distraught. She€™s sitting there, moodily staring at nothing, listening aimlessly to Ron€™s radio as Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds plays €œOh, Children.€ Harry gets up and walks over to her, removes the Horcrux from around her neck and sets it aside, and then, taking her hands, he starts to move them in cadence with the song. She looks slightly exasperated, but soon mellows out and even giggles a bit as Harry attempts - badly - to dance, but as the song ends, her expression returns to sorrow, and she drops Harry€™s hands and turns away. Of all the scenes in the film, that probably was the most controversial among the Potter faithful. It€™s been established in the books and films that Harry and Hermione€™s feelings for each other are more sibling-like than anything else, but this little charming scene set off a firestorm in the Twitterverse, blogosphere and Facebook domain, with a lot of people calling it names bordering on the sacrilegious. Harry realized that the enormity of losing Ron was weighing down on both of them, and the emotional draining power of the Horcrux wasn€™t helping either of them deal with it very well. And crucially, since series author J.K. Rowling was an executive producer of the film, the scene couldn€™t have happened without her blessing, and for the complainers, it becomes a case of hit the €œnext chapter€ button.

Mr. Thomas is primarily a graphic artist for the San Antonio Express-News, but also finds time to write the DVD Extra blog for the paper’s website.