13 Movie Protagonists You're Desperate To See Lose

1. Bella Swan - The Twilight Saga

Nightcrawler Lou Bloom Jake Gyllenhaal
Summit Entertainment

And finally, if there's one movie protagonist everyone wanted to see fail or, to be frank, bite the dust, it's the Twilight Saga's Bella Swan. This character is perhaps the queen of unlikable protagonists. So why is she quite so dreadful? 

Firstly, she's a colossal A-hole. She treats her school friends and her (genuinely likable) father like trash, she's emotionally manipulative, she's shallow, she's rude... as a person, Bella is off-putting in every sense. 

Secondly, she's a very, very poorly-written character. She is such an inactive, passive lead who's defined entirely by her (actually toxic) relationship with Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). Hell, in the franchise-worst second film, she literally throws herself off a cliff and nearly kills herself just to see a vision of him. 

Finally, there's the matter of the performance. As Kristen Stewart has shown time and time again since leaving the role, she is a really great actress but she was appallingly bad in these movies and gave one of those most annoying film performances of the century. In more recent years, it's become apparent that, much like co-star Robert Pattinson, she didn't like the films and, accordingly, phoned it in. 

Then again, it's hard to imagine any actor ever being able to rescue a character so nauseating she makes Jar Jar Binks seem like a lovable sweetheart. Hopefully, we shall never see her like again... oh wait, a Twilight TV show is in the works from HBO Max. Damn it! 

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.