13 Movie Sequels That Shouldn't Have Been Made

11. Jarhead 2: Field Of Fire

Die Hard 4

Jarhead was released in 2005 and is one of Hollywood's best modern war movies. Its unique plot, which focused on boredom and isolation rather than the battle-heavy pictures of Saving Private Ryan and We Were Soldiers, was well handled and powerful performed by its lead cast.

It should have ended there, then.

War movies rarely succeed with sequels, and this is a clear example of why. In 2014, a sequel, subtitled Field of Fire, was released direct-to-DVD and was a complete disaster in comparison to its much more powerful and well-made original. Though some of the themes were strong - including a decent look at how death effects the soldiers who witness it - it still falls short of being anywhere near what it could have been.

Perhaps if they'd only called it Field of Fire and stripped it of any association with the original classic, then it may have fared better. But as a sequel, it crashes and burns.

The worst part of all this, though, is that two more sequels (both direct-to-DVD) have been released since, and both are even worse than the second installment. Full of bad acting, effects, cliched dialogue and unrealistic depictions of life as a soldier, Jarhead 3 and 4 are abysmal attempts at raking in viewers by invoking the name of a film which really should have been left alone.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.