13 Movies Actually Ghost Directed By A Second Filmmaker

8. Sylvester Stallone - Rambo: First Blood Part 2 (1985)

Dredd Reboot

Another Stallone movie, another 'ghost directing' rumour. Officially Stallone was not sitting in the director's chair on Rambo yet speculation over the years has pointed to that clearly not being quite true.

This sequel to First Blood in which Rambo almost single-handedly resolves the Vietnam War was when the franchise shed itself of its grounded storytelling in favour of big hair and full-blown jingoism. Its 80s spectacle at its enjoyably goofiest, with the film's director credited as Tombstone's George P. Costamos.

As he grew in popularity, Stallone had begun to exert a vice-like grip on his projects. It made sense since he had directed, written and produced several movies by this point. Still, he apparently didn't mind collaborating with Costamos due to the director letting Stallone be the true boss when it came to filming.

Stallone has never confirmed this though, but long-time friend Kurt Russell pretty much hit the nail on the head in an interview, when speaking of his unique Tombstone collaboration with Costamos;

"I got him from Sly Stallone—called up Sly, said I need a guy. Sly did the same thing with Rambo 2 with George."
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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.