13 Movies Saved By Ridiculously Last Minute Changes

7. Rambo Doesn't Die (Like He Does In The Book) - First Blood

First Blood Sylvester Stallone Ending
Orion Pictures

Though David Morrell's original novel concluded with the death of John Rambo, Sylvester Stallone and director Ted Kotcheff decided to shoot two endings for their film adaptation in order to have some decisions in the editing room.

They initially went with an ending similar to the book, where Rambo shoots himself and dies, but after test audiences responded badly to its bleakness, Stallone and Kotcheff opted to go with a slightly less depressing ending where Rambo surrenders and is arrested.

The two endings are absolutely night and day, and this is a rare example where a "softer" ending actually plays better, especially considering how effectively the movie's commentary on society's treatment of war veterans has already been cemented, regardless of Rambo's ultimate fate.

While you can argue that it led to a glut of unnecessary sequels that undercut the true intent of the original, the fact we got to see Rambo being led away while "It's A Long Road" played out solely justified that this was the right way to end it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.