13 Movies That Have Little Hope For Humanity

2. Under The Skin

Under the Skin Scarlett Johansson

One of the most singularly evocative sci-fi movies ever made, Under the Skin follows an alien (Scarlett Johansson) who arrives in Glasgow of all places, assumes a human identity and begins feasting on the locals.

Arguably the best thing about this movie is how it unfolds from the alien's perspective, observing her fascination with human society, and how strange everything we do would seem to an outside entity.

Though not everyone the alien meets is a bad person, pretty much every significant interaction she has in the movie has an unpleasant result for someone: either her human meal or, eventually, herself.

How It Ends: In the forest, the alien is attacked by a logger who attempts to rape her, during which her humanoid skin is pulled back to reveal a sleek, black figure underneath.

The man, clearly horrified at what he's seeing, douses her in flames and sets her on fire. The end.

Whatever way you look at this movie, it's not a good look for humanity. We're either horny buggers easily lured to our doom by a siren, or we'll murder anything we perceive as different. Yikes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.