13 Movies That Have Little Hope For Humanity

12. No Country For Old Men

No Country For Old Men Tommy Lee Jones

Like several of the Coen brothers' movies, their Best Picture-winning masterpiece is a coldly nihilistic film about the inherent lack of meaning in the world, and how humans are basically destined to live and die while still questioning what it all amounts to.

This is embodied primarily through the character of Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), an ageing sheriff who is helpless to stop Anton Chigurh's (Javier Bardem) ruthless, murderous rampage across Texas.

Main characters die without much fanfare, the antagonist wins in the end and while the last "hero" standing survives, he's left utterly spiritually defeated.

How It Ends: A retired Bell talks to his wife about a series of recurring dreams involving his father, nodding towards the inevitability of his own death and his absolute inability to do anything to affect the ultra-violent new world around him. Lovely.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.