13 Movies That Have Little Hope For Humanity

6. Funny Games

Funny Games Michael Pitt Brady Corbet Tim Roth 600x425
Warner Independent Pictures

You can take your pick here with either Michael Haneke's 1997 Austrian original, or the 2007 Hollywood remake that he himself directed. The end result is the same: senseless torture and murder for no apparent reason, with Haneke expressing a unique disdain for the audience for even bothering to watch it.

Intended as Haneke's criticism of violence in the media, he reportedly wanted to make an ultra-violent and unpleasant film that was otherwise "pointless". To this end, one of the assailants routinely breaks the fourth wall, hinting that he's aware he's in a movie, and ultimately taking a sneering view of the audience themselves.

There's no hope for the movie's characters, both victims and villains, and apparently not for viewers, who by finding entertainment in murder, are pretty twisted themselves.

How It Ends: The entire family is killed, culminating with the mother (played by Naomi Watts in the remake) being casually thrown overboard from a boat. The self-aware killer then coldly stares at the audience, as if to mock their expectation that the "hero" would find a way out of her predicament and avenge her fallen family.

But no, Haneke denies this and is basically laughing at the viewer for even considering that it might happen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.