13 Movies That Only IMPROVE With Age

10. Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 Ending

Now, Toy Story 3 is by far the most recent movie on this list, having only been released nine years ago, but it is also a film - and indeed, a series - which has tracked with a very specific age group ever since the beginning.

The real beauty of Toy Story 3 is that it was released in 2010, some 15 years after the release of the original movie, near enough allowing the prime target audience to enter adulthood at roughly the same time as protagonist Andy (John Morris).

As such, Toy Story 3 was something of a rite of passage for many who were in their late-teens or early-20s when the film came out. As Andy prepared to leave for college, they were likely either entering college themselves or heading out to work for the very first time.

But almost a decade later, revisiting the movie may evoke entirely different feelings in the audience, who may themselves now have young children.

As much as Toy Story 3 is unavoidably a coming-of-age film, parents are undeniably going to view the story through a parental lens, perhaps identifying as much with Andy's mother (Laurie Metcalf) as Andy himself.

Within the next few years, ever more kids who were born at the "perfect" point of relatability for this franchise will be starting their own families, and upon revisiting Toy Story 3, another under-layer in an already supremely emotional film will unveil itself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.