13 Movies That Scored A Legendary F With CinemaScore

1. Disaster Movie

Disaster Movie

The Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer team has been responsible for a lot of terrible trash since they made Spy Hard and Scary Movie (the second being considerably better than the first), but few of them have been as bad as Disaster Movie. A couple have tried (The Starving Games and Best Night Ever), but Disaster Movie just seems to have been the absolute nadir.

Strictly speaking, an F from CinemaScore was rather generous.

Did It Deserve It?

Yes. So much. It is the cinematic equivalent of a very painful, very disgusting disease. Even if it made more than it cost SOMEHOW. Thanks to that, we got several more of these garbage "spoofs" in the same vein.

Which other movies deserved an F rating from CinemaScore? Share your own suggestions below in the comments thread.

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