13 People You Didn't Know Were In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

1. Nathan Fillion

Many didn't know what to expect when they headed in to see Guardians Of The Galaxy for the first time, given the particularly low profile of the characters involved in comparison to the other heroes within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They came out enthralled by what was a somewhat light-hearted yet brilliant space western, pitting a ragtag group of misfits against an evil power. Perhaps the most renowned space western of the modern era is Firefly, the Fox show that didn't even finish a single season before being cancelled back in 2003. Despite obtaining a cult following and selling well on DVD, the show never returned to television, but did get a cinematic sequel in the form of Serenity. It was therefore quite pleasing to bear witness to the show's lead, Nathan Fillion, popping up as the voice of a prisoner in Guardians. Though now known for his role in the police procedural role Castle, he remains a prominent sci-fi icon and few would object to him being offered a larger role in the MCU going forwards (Star Fox, anyone?)

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.