13 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About The DC Movie Universe

10. The Joker Problem

The Problem: No matter what you think of Jared Leto's The Joker in Suicide Squad from the clips shown so far, it's inevitable that he's forever going to be compared, probably unfavourably, to Heath Ledger's Academy Award-winning rendition in The Dark Knight. Though in an ideal world fans will just accept Leto's portrayal as its own thing separate from Ledger's work, that's not really how it works, and the two are sure to be compared until the end of time. This isn't just with The Joker, though: Ben Affleck is sure to be measured up against Christian Bale's Batman, and if the portrayals (or the movie scripts) aren't up to scratch, then the fanboys are sure to get their claws out. How To Fix It: This is one issue that can't really be fixed because comic book fanboys aren't going to magically be reasonable overnight. Warner just need to focus on doing something so substantially different from Ledger and Bale's performances that audiences hopefully forget about standing them next to each other and just appreciate the good work that's being done.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.