13 Shocking Movie Posters That Were Banned

10. Man Bites Dog

Man Bites Dog
Metro Tartan Films

Any movie as consciously provocative as Belgian black comic mockumentary Man Bites Dog was always going to attract a fair bit of controversy. The black and white micro-budget movie followed a serial killer's crime spree with a documentary crew in tow, unflinchingly showing him killing victims including a young child.

The original Belgian poster ran with that particular moment, exaggerating it for effect by having a child's pacifier popping into view in the bottom corner, presumably as the killer shot an actual baby. Grim, but effective.

When it came to a foreign release, French regulators insisted on a different version (so dentures were added in the pacifier's place because shooting old people is apparently alright) and the UK banned it too. After a month of it being on show.

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