13 Small Changes That Would Make Terrible Movies Awesome

13. Gerard Butler Wins At The End - Law Abiding Citizen

Law Abiding Citizen Gerard Butler
Overture Films

This 2009 crime thriller stars Gerard Butler as Clyde Shelton, a man whose family is murdered during a home invasion, sending him on a bitter revenge mission to kill the two men responsible, and also target a corrupt justice system that allowed one of the men to get a lighter sentence due to a plea bargain.

It's a preposterous, unwaveringly right-wing thriller that's ultimately derailed by its atrocious ending, in which Shelton, who has been murdering various court employees throughout the film, plants a bomb in City Hall and plans to detonate it. However, the movie's "hero", lawyer Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx), moves the bomb at the last minute, causing it to detonate in Shelton's own jail cell, killing him.

The ending was reportedly changed at the last minute at Foxx's request, but it doesn't really work because Rice is so thoroughly unlikable. and despite how unacceptably far he takes his revenge, it's far easier to root for Shelton's rampage against the American justice system.

Though in essence Shelton does still "win" by teaching Rice just how screwed up the law is, it would've been far more satisfying if his plan with the bomb succeeded and Foxx was left to stew in his own impotence at being unable to stop it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.