There are few greater annoyances as a viewer than watching an awesome film, when suddenly, out of nowhere, you're hit with one toe-curling awful exchange of dialogue that temporarily takes you out of what's unfolding on screen. They may not have damaged said film too much, but in each instance, they made us wince and cringe in sheer, abject horror: an enjoyable cinematic experience has been ever-so-slightly polluted with a line that should easily have been removed in the drafting stage. When researching this article, a number of dubious movies ended up barely missing the cut: the "I think he's kinda hot" line from Man of Steel nearly ended up here, though ultimately, the movie isn't popular enough to really be deemed "awesome", and though Star Wars Episode III is certainly far better than the two hashjobs that came before it, it's hard to think of it as awesome. Plus, once you start looking for one poor line of dialogue in those prequel movies, you soon enough find yourself inundated with a sea of them. So, we've settled on 13 movies that, for the most part, are widely acclaimed and beloved by audiences, but are hamstrung by one particularly cringe-worthy line of dialogue. In some instances, they've been rightly lambasted to death, and in others, they haven't nearly felt enough of the Internet's scourge, so make sure to give 'em hell in the comments section! Did we miss any horrible quotes from brilliant movies? Let us know in the comments!