13 Terrible Recent Movies Destined To Become Cult Classics

1. The Strangers: Prey At Night

The Strangers Prey At Night

If the last decade-or-so of TV and film has taught us anything, it's that audiences love neon lightning and 80s music, so if you throw the two together, even the most execrable project can win people over.

Now in fairness, this Strangers sequel nobody asked for does boast one brilliantly suspenseful sequence in a swimming pool, but the rest of it? Sloppy, weirdly dull horror hokum that basically warms over what made the original so wonderfully creepy.

But for all of its many flaws as a piece of work - not least offing the best actor in it before the end of act one - the film's sensory assault will keep it in a good stead with both trash fiends and those easily swayed by a few cynical bells and whistles.

Despite the film's unmistakable stank of straight-to-video horror sequel, Universal was clearly aware the stylistic combo would make them some money, and with the movie grossing almost six-fold its $5 million budget, they weren't wrong.

What's your verdict on these terrible yet inevitable cult classics in-the-making? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.