13 Times You Lost Respect For Your Favourite Filmmakers

How to ruin your reputation as a film-maker in 13 easy steps.

Everyone has those moments where they plop down in front of a film by a well-respected director, settle in for a good time, and then feel their heart sink like a stone when they realize the movie is a turkey. This experience is inherently traumatic. However, it takes on an additional level of pain when the director is someone you really love. For some directors you expect that they are going to make a disappointing film from time to time. Look at Woody Allen; he's a guy whose filmography is nearly split 50/50 between the good and bad. It's not really surprising at this point, and his bad stuff doesn't really influence one's opinion of Allen in one way or another. However, some filmmakers will periodically stumble in a way that makes you sit up and pay attention. When one comes across these films it becomes immediately apparent that during production something must have gone seriously wrong. These are mainly the films that will be explored, films that made your jaw drop and your head shake with sadness. Here are 13 times where famous filmmakers took a mighty swing and hit nothing but air.

Adam Mohrbacher has been afflicted with an obession for film since his earliest memories. In addition to his work with WhatCulture, Adam has been a contributor with Filmophilia.com, FilmMonthly.com and Examiner.com. You can also check out his personal blog here: adammohrbacher@wordpress.com. A devoted fan of all film genres and styles, Adam gets equally giddy over the sensitive, existential musings of Ingmar Bergman, and the brawny brilliance of Arnold Schwartzenegger. He loves fish tacos and misses the work of Heath Ledger and Jack Lemmon on a daily basis.