13 Totally WTF Horror Movie Plot Twists

1. Sam Is A Serial Killer (And Becomes The New Mortician) - The Mortuary Collection

High Tension

This terrific recent horror anthology lures audiences into a false sense of security before letting loose with a wildly unexpected final reveal.

The Mortuary Collection's frame narrative sees a young woman, Sam (Caitlin Custer), visiting Raven's End Mortuary to inquire about the "Help wanted" sign.

There she meets mortician Montgomery Dark (Clancy Brown), who regales her with a number of morbid stories before she offers up one of her own.

The story concludes by revealing that Sam is not actually Sam at all, but a child murderer and cannibal named Charlotte Gibbons, aka the Tooth Fairy Killer.

Back in the present, she has come to the mortuary to retrieve the tooth of the child she most recently murdered, who Dark has been preparing for burial.

Sam stabs Dark, only to be met by the charred spirits of the children she murdered, who promptly rip her apart.

Dark then sews her body back together and switches out her blood with embalming fluid, installing her as the new mortician and apparently allowing him to finally leave the mortuary. However, upon exiting Dark himself explodes into dust.

In the final scene, Sam has fully taken up the mortician's mantle, while speaking to a young boy she's already made, er, dinner plans for.

Horror anthologies have a tendency to be uneven, but The Mortuary Collection backs up its consistent series of stories with a shocking narrative sting that savagely ties the whole thing together.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.