13 Totally WTF Horror Movie Plot Twists

9. The Army Saves The Day - The Mist

High Tension

Frank Darabont's The Mist boasts one of the most gut-wrenching twist endings in movie history - so impossibly bleak that it almost coils around to become unintentionally hilarious.

After protagonist David Drayton (Thomas Jane) and a small group of fellow survivors come to believe there's no possibility of surviving the alien invasion after driving past a skyscraper-sized behemoth, they enter into a suicide pact to do themselves in before the monsters can.

With just four bullets left, David shoots the three other survivors and also his own young son, Billy (Nathan Gamble). David then steps out into the mist, ready to be consumed by the creatures he can hear in the distance, only to realise the noise is actually an incoming Army convoy.

The mist then promptly recedes to reveal that the Army has successfully fought back against the monsters.

As David realises he just killed four people, including his own son, for nothing, he receives the added gut-punch of witnessing a mother who recklessly ran out into the mist earlier in the film (Melissa McBride) safely in Army custody with her children. Oof.

Brutal isn't even the word, and though it certainly seemed like The Mist was always primed for a grim outcome, few could've expected something quite so bone-chilling.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.