13 Totally WTF Horror Movie Plot Twists

7. The Director Is The Killer - The Last Broadcast

High Tension
FFM Productions

Released before The Blair Witch Project though largely forgotten, The Last Broadcast is a found footage mockumentary film depicting the murders of a reality TV crew who ventured out into New Jersey's Pine Barrens in pursuit of the mythic Jersey Devil.

The only surviving member of the crew is ultimately convicted of their murder, though dies in prison under mysterious circumstances.

Near the end of the film, the documentary's director, David Leigh (David Beard), receives a video tape depicting the murders, which he hires a video engineer to sift through.

At that moment, the killer's face comes into focus - and it's David himself. The perspective then abruptly shifts to third-person, where David murders the engineer and dumps her body in the woods, revealing David to be a serial killer moonlighting as a documentarian.

The twist doesn't really hold up to scrutiny at all, though given that audiences were surely expecting some sort of blurry, out-of-focus glimpse of the Jersey Devil, it was certainly a surprising, swinging-for-the-fences final twist, logic be-damned.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.