13 Unanswered Questions From 2015's Biggest Movies

12. Who Sent Pops Back To 1973? - Terminator Genisys

The Question: This question is actually raised in the movie itself: the timeline is altered in this movie so that the "Pops" T-800 is sent back to 1973, where it acts as a guardian for a young Sarah Connor when she is targeted there by the T-1000. When Pops is asked by Sarah and Kyle who sent him back to that time period, he simply remarks that his data files were erased to protect whoever did it, causing Kyle to hilariously reply, "Oh, that's convenient." Indeed. The Likely Answer: Bear with us here because any answer revealed in a future movie is bound to be a headache. The most likely prospects are that either Sarah or Kyle somehow did it themselves in the future, and also don't discount the possibility that the ever-shifting timelines have messed with their memories. Some fans believe that this hidden identity will pave the way for a former franchise character to make a return, possibly Moon Bloodgood's Blair from Terminator Salvation, though considering how that movie has been all-but forgotten in the Terminator canon, they may simply want to leave her be.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.