13 Unexpected Actors Who Might Win Oscars Next Year

4. Cynthia Nixon - James White

The Actor: Cynthia Nixon is best-known for playing high-flying lawyer Miranda Hobbes on HBO's classic show Sex and the City, and along with prolific TV work, tends to stick to art-house indie flicks for her big-screen work. It's not so much that Nixon earning acclaim is unexpected by virtue of her talent, but simply because she picks so many low-profile roles. The Role: Nixon plays Gail, the dying mother of the titular character (Christopher Abbot), who attempts to make amends with her troubled child in her final days. Why They Might Win: Nixon's performance was described as a "knockout" by Variety, and other outlets have touted it as being awards-worthy right out of the gate. Laura Dern's performance in Wild this year was proof enough that the Academy isn't turned off by the grimness of a role such as this, and as long as the pic gets the opportunity to make an impact on a big enough stage, her supporting turn could be the one to beat.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.