13 Upcoming Comic Book Movies That Could Beat Batman V Superman

1. Captain America: Civil War

And finally, the movie most likely to crush Batman v Superman comes barely a month later, as The Avengers get divided down the middle for Captain America: Civil War. This is a film with so much going for it: an insane cast of beloved superheroes going at it, a popular comic book to draw inspiration from, the introduction of Spider-Man and Black Panther into the MCU, and of course, Crossbones and Helmut Zemo appearing as villains. In a way, Civil War has a similar appeal to BvS: both movies will feature popular heroes slugging it out, and most fans are aware that there's probably not going to be a significant "winner" because most of these characters need to return for future movies. While Civil War risks feeling cluttered just as Age of Ultron did, the marketing so far suggests a darker, more emotionally-charged film, and considering that audiences have had several movies to get attached to these characters, it already has a pretty firm lead ahead of BvS, which is just the second movie in the DCEU. Which comic book movies do you expect to demolish Batman v Superman? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.