138 Mistakes In The Matrix You Didn't Notice

127. Wrong Keyboard Maybe it wouldn't cooperate for its close-up but from the overhead shot when we first see Neo, he is using a Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro (those curved ones). However, when he is tapping away on the keyboard to get rid of the messages appearing on the screen, its a normal bog-standard keyboard.

126. Green Screen Computers?

I swear in 1999, I had a computer that was capable of full colour display. But all the computers in The Matrix are the old fashioned green screen variety. Why?

125. Out Of Sync

No wonder Neo looks more confused than usual in this picture. Trinity's lips are moving totally out of sync to what she is saying. The poor guy must have wondered if he had drunk too much or something.

124: Metawhat?

Apparently this one was down to last minute changes thanks to a copyright issue. When Neo first gets to work, the sign on the building reads METACORTEX, but later when he is playing hide and seek with the agents, the sign on the wall says META CORTECHS.

123. Rapid Arm Movement

After Neo has arrived in Metacortex, he is standing in an office with his arms in front of him. But in the shot straight after, his arms are behind him. Even Neo is not that fast.

122. Opening It Twice

Neo receives a Fed-Ex package with a phone in it. After he has signed for it, he goes to open it but in the next shot he is just holding it and then goes to open it again. Obviously different takes that have been badly cut together.


Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.