138 Mistakes In The Matrix You Didn't Notice

112. Trace??

Neo has a bug implanted into his belly so that the Agents can trace and monitor everything he does. So when Morpheus cleverly phones him up and tells him to meet Trinity under the bridge, why did the agents not follow him there? That was the reason they planted the bug in him!!

111. Door Opening Twice

When Neo is waiting under the bridge to get in the car with Trinity, as the car pulls up, Trinity opens the door. But on the following close-up shot, she opens the door again. It was raining more than a summer in London so perhaps she opened the door, decided it was too wet and closed the door...or it could just be a editing mistake.

110. Bug On A String

In one of the more lovely moments in the Matrix, trinity uses a device to extract a bug from Neo's belly. Not only does it look painful, you can also see the string that is attached to it. This should have been removed in post production.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.