14 Actors Who Desperately Need A Hit Movie

8. Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy Mr Church
Voltage Pictures

It's practically impossible to overestimate the influence Eddie Murphy has had on the comedy genre over the last few decades, though his stock has sadly fallen off a cliff in recent years following a string of blockbuster duds.

In fact, outside of the Shrek franchise, his last starring hit was 2007's atrocious Norbit, with the likes of Meet Dave, Imagine That and A Thousand Words bombing horribly, either causing or forcing Murphy to take a step back from these types of movies.

His single movie since 2012, the drama Mr. Church, was a critical and commercial failure, and though he's got Twins sequel Triplets and Beverly Hills Cop 4 in the works, it's hard to believe either of these will actually get made.

Perhaps appearing in Bill Condon's (Beauty and the Beast) upcoming Richard Pryor biopic as Pryor's father LeRoy might give him a critical boost if not a commercial one, but otherwise it's looking pretty barren for the fading star.

At least he's probably got enough money to not literally need the work...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.